Style ME Training
Style ME Training


When my delegates come for the 1 week Intensive Training course, day 1 or rather the 1sthour where we get to know each other can seem pretty daunting. Whilst reading out the week’s agenda clients can get pretty overwhelmed, because there’s just so much on it! From personal shopping, to wardrobe styling to colour analysis to a real client practice, to the photo shoot and finally to the business planning. I can always sense their anxiety questioning firstly how will we fit it all in? Secondly will they be able to keep up? And thirdly, will they be any good?

My advise is always the same: be present, don’t panic or worry about tomorrow just take each day/ task at a time and that although we can’t predict how good they will be tomorrow, the best way to prepare for tomorrow is by doing their best today!

Doing your best today really does mean, doing your best todaynot trying to do your best but really exceeding your own expectations of yourself and to that, the most important thing you will need is the right attitude. For most delegates deciding to attend the training wasn’t a quick decision for many it took months of researching the right academy for them, saving up, planning the babysitting or the right annual leave from work so this one decision to come to the training usually involved more than 1 decision maker so the most important thing is to come with the right mindset which is to put any fears and doubts about tomorrow to the side and be present to soak up all the knowledge I provide and be excited with the opportunity to learn and grow..

During the training when doubts about your ability creep in, push them aside and get back to being present and listen and ask questions, there’s no shame in asking for help/clarity. The great thing about the training is there are never more than 4 people on it so you’re all encouraged to speak up when something needs more explaining.

The feedback I so often receive (no matter what their background) : “I haven’t used my brain that much for years” and it’s probably true and how good and rewarding is that? We all know we grow when we’re learning and you will be learning a whole knew skillset in just 1 week!

All I ask of my delegates is to put the trust in the process, the course is like a formula and each module followed by it’s task is there for a purpose and has been carefully thought out and designed to teach you one step at a time. It’s my job to guide you and train you and I have all the confidence that by the end of the week you’ll be happy and raring to go with all the knowledge and excitement to succeed. Just turn up with a positive attitude, have plenty of rest because you’ll need the energy and open mind ready to soak it all in J