Ask any woman that has faced motherhood and she will tell you that one of the first things she realised is that working and children are a tough mix. Let’s face it most of us women choose a career without any real consideration of what we would do once we have children. When we do fall pregnant we’re grateful for the maternity leave our companies offer but as the time to return to work looms panic often kicks in. So what is the perfect career for mothers?
At Style ME Training we train lots of Mums and in the last four years we would say they are our primary delegates. Yes we have the young students, the retirees and the city girl, but more often than not we have seen women with young families or women that have just found out the exciting news that they are pregnant.
So why is a career in Personal styling so desirable to mums?
The primary reason is; they want the flexibility to work around their families. They typically say that the thought of dropping their young child to the babyminder, then travelling to work during the rush hour, doing a full days work hoping their last meeting doesn’t over-run, then rushing to get back to kids on time fills them with dread, especially as they’ve been away from that world for so long! That doesn’t mean they don’t want their independence it just means they want a career to fit around their timetable or rather their children’s timetable. They know that working as a Personal Stylist means building their client base from home whilst only taking client bookings when they are available.
If there’s anything stopping mums from going back to the rat race it’s the fear that they won’t make enough money as a Personal Stylist but as we always tell them, this is a lucrative career choice. Charging on average £150 for a Colour Analysis or Wardrobe session and around £300 for their Personal Shopping service, with just a few clients a month they will be earning a good salary in no time at all, providing they are motivated to build their database of clients. If they do decide to take the intensive training course, we at Style ME offer them on going mentoring, where together we find tangible ways for them to grow their business, they instantly can come under the Style ME umbrella; so there’s no need to create a fancy expensive website and with no overheads essentially they can start earning a profit immediately post training so what’s not to love? Let’s not forget for so many mums, going back to their old jobs, what with the new added cost of childcare, financially it just isn’t worth it!
Being a Personal Stylist it’s in your interest to look your best all times, as you never know who you’re inspiring to be your next client and for so many of our Mum delegates, whose bodies have changed post pregnancy attending our training course does wonders for their self-confidence and self esteem. As we always say “Your first client is you!” When mums have the first hand knowledge on how to dress themselves slimmer and younger and how to shop wiser by creating a Capsule Wardrobe they usually can’t wait to share their expertise and offer their services to their target audience: other mums who desperately want and need their help!
For any woman out there looking for the perfect career that offers; financial freedom, flexibility to work around your family, variety and fun (as no two days are ever the same) whilst doing wonders to your self-esteem; personal styling really is the one!