We seriously cant believe in the past 3 years we’ve trained over 350 women from all walks of life who all share the same dream of becoming a Personal Stylist! Some of them have of course made it whilst others have just confidently left our Academy with key rules on how to look their best no matter what the occasion or their budget; knowledge on how to #DressTheirShape to create a more balanced slimmer silhouette and #WearTheirColours to create a more radiant youthful complexion…
The idea of our 3 year anniversary photo shoot came whilst on a recent plane journey, I was flicking through a magazine and I saw the star studded L’Oreal Red lipstick campaign starring beautiful female celebrities of all ages (from elegant Jane Fonda to sexy Blake Lively) and from all cultural backgrounds (from Latin sensation Eva Longhoria to Bollywood princess Ashwariya Rai) all wearing their right shade of red lipstick with the underlying message that every kind of woman looks feminine, glamorous and powerful in red no matter what her age or background… and it got me thinking, wouldn’t it be great to replicate this photo shoot with a few of our Style ME Stylists, because to me this shoot mirrored everything we believe in as an Agency…
We at Style ME are ALL about red lipstick, in fact we insist on our Colour Analysis course that no women leaves without trying on her right shade of red lipstick, as to us red lips are so empowering, striking and confidence boosting! But not only that the fact that the campaign was not discriminating any celebrity due to age, background or colour mirrored our strong belief that ‘Personal Styling really is the career for every kind of women’. We have proudly trained every kind of woman of all ages, background and lifestyle to become successful stylists.
So in time for our anniversary and as a thank you to our Style ME stylists we thought we’d celebrate them and offer 10 of them a glamourous photo shoot! But who to choose? Going through our database of 350 women was the most fun; talk about going down memory lane; women who made us laugh, women who had become super successful, women who had their own inspirational stories, women who had travelled from countries far and beyond to attend! Picking only 10 wasn’t easy but in the end we had the perfect mix and true representation of who attends our training: women desperate to leave the rat race, mums looking for a career with flexible working hours, Make-up artists, hairdressers and life coaches looking to offer personal styling to their existing client base, Mature students wanting to be inspirational to their peer group, pregnant women, International students and young fashion graduates wanting to work in Personal Shopping departments.
We had the photoshoot at Face London on the glamorous Kings Road and it was a truly amazing day! Face London exceeded our expectations by providing their best International Make up artists and hairdressers and the cameramen definitely knew how to bring out the diva in all of us! (The flowing champagne and great tunes in the background definitely helped!) But the real stars were definitely our Style ME Stylists, Mary Ann and I felt so proud of them looking beautiful all wearing white shirts and jeans perfect for their shape and of course their right shade of red lipstick!
It was team work all round and in the end not only did we create a beautiful inspiring photo but a brilliant video showcasing the day’s events all to the background of Whitney Houston’s “I’m every woman”… the perfect day to celebrate our wonderful Academy that’s helped launch the careers of some of the most inspiring women I’ve had the privilege to train that all remain as lovely friends…
Nisha x