Our primary delegate group at our Training Academy is the mum market. These mums get trained on how to become a Personal Stylist and then go and style their target audience who surprise surprise are other mums. These mums can be identified in two groups; the first being the woman who after months of slobbering around in shapeless clothes is now panicked about returning to work after her maternity leave. She’s looking at her ‘work’ wardrobe that she probably hasn’t laid eyes on in months, in some cases years and is asking herself “Can I still get away with these? And more often than not “Will they still fit?!”
There’s no denying it but motherhood changes you in every way and your body, the physical part of you is always there to remind you just how much you’ve changed. It’s not uncommon for mums to say to us “I don’t recognise myself in the mirror anymore…” “I never had these boobs before” or “Where’s my waist gone?” We at Style ME know dressing your new shape with your old clothes sometimes has nothing to do with your size! You can go back to your previous size 10 but if you no longer have an ‘Hourglass’ frame your killer go to pencil dress simply won’t work….
This is when you need the help of a good Personal Stylist. She will come to your home, review your existing wardrobe and see if your items are suitable for your new shape. She will celebrate your shape exactly for how it looks ‘now’ focusing on your assets without drawing any attention to your flaws; helping you to return to work as a confident, stylish woman who if nothing else at least looks like she’s got it all together! More often than not a Personal Shopping trip is desired; these mums have changed and they almost want to return to work with new clothes, a new look and to have a fresh start and because they will soon be earning they can justify the much-needed shopping trip!
It’s the second group of mums: the stay at home mums, who are usually secretly wishing for a Personal Stylist. But as they are no longer financially independent they so often feel unworthy of new clothes. They believe they just need to loose the weight and their old clothes will be just fine… but they are usually forgetting one crucial thing and that is their lifestyle has totally changed. Cocktails and fancy dinners on a Friday night, for most are a distant memory, they no longer need a clutch bag they need a handbag the size of a suitcase to fit in nappy supplies and milk bottles and what about all those high heels they own, how will they ever run around the kids in those? What these women need more than anything are a few items that are comfortable, practical but are still stylish and dare I say it ‘sexy’. Clothes that make them feel good about themselves and their new body. So many mums become so selfless and are all about the kids that in time they simply can’t relate to the woman that they once were. These mums will confide to us that they long to be that ‘yummy mummy’ who they meet on the school run but simply don’t have the know-how, time or money to do it!
We at Style ME assure these women that we have this knowledge so they can relax as they’re in good hands. We work to any budget even if that means creating a capsule wardrobe from Primark! Sometimes they don’t even need to go shopping; just by getting their ‘colours’ done and wearing the right pop of colour on their lips whilst doing the school run is all they need to create that spring in their step!