Style ME Training
Style ME Training
How Hairdressers are profiting from Colour Analysis

How Hairdressers are profiting from Colour Analysis

Colour Analysis is the latest trend, and judging by the interest at the Academy, hairdressers are ready to get in on it—and for good reason. This service is taking off in salons everywhere, transforming the customer experience and driving new business. Here’s why...
How to make Money as a Colour Analyst

How to make Money as a Colour Analyst

How times have changed. When I became a Colour Analyst (a long time ago) I knew just how amazing a service it was, but at that time I had to almost convince my Personal Styling clients to have it done. Roll forward nearly 20 years and my phone doesn’t stop...
Colour Analysis – The perfect part-time Career….

Colour Analysis – The perfect part-time Career….

Have you recently had your colours done? Did you love it? Did you come back full of excitement telling all your friends and family how like magic your complexion changed when your Colour Analyst held different coloured drapes against your face? Did you then go on and...
Colour Analysis: 12 Seasons or 4?

Colour Analysis: 12 Seasons or 4?

Great, you’ve decided you want to train as a Colour Analyst and let me guess you’re now overwhelmed as to not only which Academy to train with but also whether to train in the 4 Seasonal Colour Analysis system or the 12 Seasonal. I remember having the same dilemma 17...