Despite my first client being a male, I never thought there would be a demand for Men’s Styling. Mind you this was 2006 and the men in my life then perceived having their own stylist as a bit ‘flash’ or rather unnecessary. “What’s so difficult about going to the shops and picking something out?”
What a difference a decade makes. With men’s grooming being one of the biggest growing sectors in the past 5 years, Personal Styling for men is no longer smirked at but seen as just as important as having their own Personal Trainer.
When I started styling men, my clients I must admit we’re cash rich and time poor; most of them not even having the time to come to the stores with me, so I had to do a ‘shop and deliver’ service. Now however my client base has grown from the husbands and boyfriends of my female clients to men who need no encouragement from the other halves, booking my services themselves.
This week was an actual first where I styled a 23-year-old man and his retired dad and we simply had the best time, I could see how intrigued they we’re to learn all the science behind styling. They took it seriously. The 23-year-old graduate was now interviewing and needed to nail those interviews with a sharper look and the retired dad after years of living in suits and ties needed direction on how to do smart/casual. This goes to show men of all ages, lifestyles and budgets are wanting advice. the online male Personal Styling store has done wonders for us Personal Stylists, it’s been a stepping-stone to take the stigma out of men needing a stylist. I’ve been surprised by the number of men that have told me they use them. But like any online platform with no ‘real’ one to one interaction a lot of the suggestions their free online stylist suggests are clothes they simply don’t suit their colouring and shape. Yes, they can get the lifestyle and budget right but what’s the point if the clothes don’t actually fit or flatter you?
These frustrated men are the one that eventually book a one-to-one styling package with Style ME and they couldn’t be happier with the results!