Happy New Year everyone! I seriously can’t believe we’re already in 2019, where has the past year or even this decade gone? As I write this blog I’m sitting here on a beautiful isolated beach in Goa, I’ve got a glass of chilled white wine in my hand and I’m looking into the sunset feeling very blessed. For anyone who knows me Goa is a very special place to me, I’ve been holidaying here since 1998 and although each trip creates its own memories, Goa is the one place I can always find time to reflect and dream…
In fact I remember being here exactly 10 years ago at the beginning of 2009 making the most of my annual leave by combining it with the Christmas public holidays…I can remember dreading going back to work, getting on that tube, facing a cold winter ahead. I was sitting on this exact beach desperately wondering ‘what is my calling?’ Although I didn’t (yet) hate my job I just knew I was meant to do more than sit at a desk, staring at a spreadsheet, working for someone else, waiting for the weekend or my next holiday! I remember putting a strong request out to the universe to help me find my purpose.
Life has a funny way of giving you what you want though. 2009 was the worst year for me, I was miserable. Work was awful, there was yet another restructure, a new boss, more expectations, more insecurity and I hated it. I remember desperately looking for a new job but not only were the roles not there I was in no place to nail any interview because deep down I knew another corporate role just wasn’t my calling.
Things had to get really bad before they got better, not only did I hate going to work, I got ill, had my heartbroken and lost my spark… but sometimes you simply have to be at rock bottom to change your life and that’s exactly what happened to me… my angel ended up being my old boss who in 2010 had insisted my calling was to be a Stylist. I initially laughed as to how could a part time hobby ever be my calling let alone my income earner? But the rest as they say is history and by 2010 the wheels were in motion and I left all my financial security behind to launch Style ME…
As I’m sitting here now reflecting, I am beyond grateful for the hardship that occurred 10 years ago, as I would never have had the drive and guts to leave the rat race behind. No matter how hard it can be working for yourself I’ve never regretted it. I LOVE my job, I love the flexibility, I love the adventures it brings and all the new people I get to meet and help not only in their style but their careers too.
When we launched Style ME Training we did it because we wanted to help other women who were once like me stuck in a career than no longer served them to do a job they love. I absolutely love training women and then mentoring them to be in a position where I am today. Work never feels like ‘work’ and the best part is I no longer wish for holidays or the weekend in order to escape and that to me is a life worth living.
For the month of January we’re offering a 10% discount on any of our course. Quote: love2019 and let’s make 2019 the year your dreams come true.
Love Nisha x